Centre for Study and Research in Intellectual Property Rights
Innovation and creativity are the premise of today’s world. The information age created abundant options in the fields of access and communication of information. The technology age created ample chances for creation of impossibility into possibility. The life of human being in the present day context is driven by the various vehicles covered under Intellectual Property regime such as Patents, Copyright, Designs, trademark etc. Every second of the human life is governed and covered by Intellectual Property rights either as consumer or owner. The predictions of Hindu Mythology about space, virtual presence of human beings in various places, creation of chimeras, challenging the nature etc. became reality at the cross cutting edge of science and humans. The economics started playing role behind creation/innovation.
The ownership and related rights over the creation were litigated among the peer group. The lack of awareness about Intellectual Property Rights leads to piracy and misappropriation. The free flow of knowledge is restricted by a barrier called Intellectual Property regime and recognition of ownership and rights acquired the foremost position. NUSRL established CSRIPR with a noble vision of creating a forum for training the various clusters such as scientists, lawyers, corporate, academicians, judiciary, advocates etc., who are into the circle of IPR due to their profession, trade or creative skills. The Centre is striving hard to reach to the society through various programmes such as seminars, workshops, awareness programmes. The Centre is also focusing on conducting various competitions among the student community from various fields such as law, science, engineering and management to create a common platform. The Centre is initially focusing on extending its academic and technical support to the IP holders in State of Jharkhand by providing consultation and awareness to the Small and Medium Scale entrepreneurs and tribal population who are repositories of vast indigenous knowledge.
Seminar on World Intellectual Property Day
The National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi commemorated World Intellectual Property Day by organizing a seminar to celebrate the effect, impact and need for IPR as well as to discuss the positive and negative connotation affiliated with the concept of IPR. The Key- Note Speaker was the Honorable Vice- Chancellor A.K Koul. In his speech he traced the development of TRIPS and India’s struggle in being part of the convention. Followed by this the I.G.CID Mr. Anurag Gupta spoke of how IPR may lead to complete monopolization of every aspect or dimension of life. He depicted that it would result in a world where free thought would be curbed. The Technical Session was started by a presentation given by Assistant Professor Nimesh Das Guru opposing the need for IPR by challenging the popular arguments in favor of IPR. He contended that there were no substantial moral grounds for protection proposed by IPR and in today’s world the stringent IPR regime is hampering rather than fostering the growth and development of new ideas. Dr. Syamala followed this by providing with a glimpse on the requisite of IPR in this day and age. The 21st century has been flooded by the Corporate houses and MNC’s as a product of globalization. Hence initially there might have been no need for IPR , however that has changed since the modern trend several companies from all over seek to explore new markets. Dr. Sreenivasa Murthy Assistant Professor of NUSRL concluded the second session. He spoke about the recent controversies pertaining to patents. In the latter Technical Session students from various colleges presented their papers on various issues pertaining to IPR. M.S Lakra, the chief guest for the valedictory session gave a succinct account of how MSME is helping the entrepreneur to protect all IPR’s for the entrepreneurial interest. He illustrated few of the schemes keeping in mind all sections in the social construct.
Contact Person
Dr. M.R.S. Murthy
Assistant Professor
Chairman, CSRIPR
Mobile: 918292400250
Email: csipr@nusrlranchi.ac.in
Website: https://nusrliplaw.weebly.com/